Less is more

We love learning from others.

Square has been innovating for the last few years and really disrupting the point of sale market.

So many of our clients are incredibly focused on saying everything they can in a video…

This is a great example of saying very little and letting the product speak for itself, by inference.

Whilst it’s beautifully shot, it’s the thinking behind it, which is the reason it works so well.

Watch this video go viral

Three days ago (at the time of writing) one of the best marketing campaigns you’ll see this year was uploaded to YouTube and yes, it’s only February. Today, it’s generated 35,500 views. It’ll hit the millions before long.


It’s clever in its concept, would have taken weeks of planning to get it right and will generate 1000’s of column inches equivalent in goodwill and PR.

The true genius behind it is the fact they are making their competitors look foolish, but not in a nasty way.

There’s no special effects, Hollywood movie stars or celebrity voiceover. They have relied on total simplicity (thanks to a touch of genius) to deliver a message.

The other thing that is so clever, and we try so hard to get our clients to do, is that the message couldn’t be simpler. It’s just THREE WORDS!


What can we learn from this?

We often get asked whether we can make a ‘viral video’. No one can.

Instead, we should all be focusing on agreeing one, simple message… something you want to be remembered for and focusing all energies on that one message. Stop with the detail. There are other mechanisms for detail. Video should be helping to start conversations… giving people enough to be interested, to find out more, to drive web traffic. That’s the time to unleash the detail.

What’s really strange, is that as of this date, this genius video isn’t on the DHL site. I wonder whether that’s deliberate.

Anyhow, enjoy…