Engaging infographics


At the front end of the buyer’s journey there’s clear evidence that it’s the visual tasty titbits that can hook interest and get the conversation rolling. This is why there’s such interest in infographics — especially for social media, where they are often atomised (‘cut up’: using one part of the infographic to sell the click to the whole)

Keen to make the most of their social channels, Epicor includes at least one infographic on the packing list for every campaign.
This is easy when there’s a survey yielding lots of lovely data for charts, graphs or diagrams that make it easier to appreciate the significance of a result or the impact of a trend. But not every campaign will have access to this kind of information. As a result, we’ve developed a number of lenses through which to identify infographic potential.

One approach is to fashion a list of things to do or aspects to consider that can be illustrated; another is to visualise interdependencies and relationships; a third is to share a process flow or decision-tree; and a fourth is simply to tell a story graphically. These ideas are not mutually exclusive, and some of the most engaging visuals can be a bit of a mashup of two or more.

Here are a couple of examples for Epicor that we hope will inspire.

With stats based on research, this one tells a story through data:

The list approach in action

Visual storytelling in a cartoon-strip style: