Customer: RSA (EMC)

Project: Blogs and emails: IR campaign

Have you got the right perspective on insider risk?

Following a project to gain insight into the healthcare sector, its need to protect patient information and the risk to this information from within, RSA wanted to capitalise on this new knowledge with a series of blogs. HN was able to analyse the research data and map RSA’s solutions in order to identify a list of topics and themes for the blogs which we could then crack on and write.

As part of an ongoing series of activity around inside risk, HN also produced two emails: one focusing on new IDC and RSA research that shows there’s a lot of uncertainly about the nature and scale of risk that employees pose to systems and information, and the other focusing on the need to take precautions even with privileged users — preparing for worst case scenarios.

Using this content over several months, RSA was able to help healthcare organisations to better understand the sources of risk, benchmark against best-practice security processes and look for ways to improve security. This activity helped RSA to forge a strong relationship with organisations in the sector and open the door to sales.

The working relationship with HN Marketing is a true partnership. By being open with each other, talking, debating, and sharing knowledge, we raise the quality of every RSA campaign.

Global Program Manager, RSA